English 11 Vocabulary Assignments
All vocabulary assignments for English 11 are posted on this page. Quizlet flashcards for all lessons can be found here.
Scroll down to find the lesson your class is working on. Each assignment will be uploaded as a .PDF. You can download and print assignments, copy and paste them into a word processing program such as MS Word or Google Docs, or complete them on your own lined paper. If you copy them onto lined paper, please make sure to copy the sentence starters!
For definitions, please use Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary.
Download the free study app for iPod Touch/iPhone/or iPad!
Scroll down to find the lesson your class is working on. Each assignment will be uploaded as a .PDF. You can download and print assignments, copy and paste them into a word processing program such as MS Word or Google Docs, or complete them on your own lined paper. If you copy them onto lined paper, please make sure to copy the sentence starters!
For definitions, please use Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary.
Download the free study app for iPod Touch/iPhone/or iPad!
Lesson One Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson One words on Quizlet!
Study Lesson One words on Quizlet!
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion
- Assignment 2 - Words in Context
- Assignment 3 - Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
- Warm-up - Inferences - *This is not a homework assignment.*
- Assignment 4 - English Practice (Grammar & Mechanics)
- In-Class Activity (Rally Coach) - Study for Quiz #1 with Rally Coach
- Take your Lesson One quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take this quiz.
Lesson Two Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson Two words on Quizlet!
Study Lesson Two words on Quizlet!
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx)
- Assignment 2 - Words in Context (.docx)
- Assignment 3 - Inferences and ACT Reading Test Practice
- Assignment 4 - Quiz #2 Study Guide (Puzzles)
- Take your Lesson Two quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take this quiz.
Lesson Three Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson Three words on Quizlet!
Study Lesson Three words on Quizlet!
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx)
- Assignment 2 - Words in Context and Inferences (.docx)
- Assignment 3 - Quiz #3 Study Guide
- In-Class Activity (Rally Coach) - Study for Quiz #3 with Rally Coach
- Take your Lesson Three quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take this quiz.
Lesson Four Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson Four words on Quizlet! **Quizlet now has a new look! Check it out!**
Study Lesson Four words on Quizlet! **Quizlet now has a new look! Check it out!**
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx)
- Assignment 2 - Words in Context and Puzzle
- Take your Lesson Four quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take this quiz.
Lesson Five Assignments and Activities **This will be your final list before first trimester exams!**
Study Lesson Five words on Quizlet!
Study Lesson Five words on Quizlet!
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx)
- Assignment 2 - Words in Context and Inferences
- Assignment 3 - Quiz #5 Study Guide
- Take your Lesson Five quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take this quiz.
Lesson Six Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson Six words on Quizlet!
Please complete this assignment on lined paper! DO NOT submit it electronically.
1. Please look up the following 15 words on Learner's Dictionary and define them: antipathy, elucidate, imminent, banal, obdurate, peruse, bedlam, affluence, scurrilous, parody, sedulous, onerous, amoral, eschew, denouement
2. For EACH WORD, use Google to look up the word as used in a sentence in a blog, news article, or other article online. Copy down the sentence. Use quotation marks!
3. Use EACH WORD in an original sentence.
This assignment is worth 37 points and is due by the end of class on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. It is the first assignment of the new trimester. Work hard and give your best effort! The quiz on these words will be Friday, December 12, 2013.
Study Lesson Six words on Quizlet!
- Take your Lesson Six quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take this quiz.
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions, Examples, and Sentence Completion (below)
- Assignment 2 - Quiz #6 Study Guide
Please complete this assignment on lined paper! DO NOT submit it electronically.
1. Please look up the following 15 words on Learner's Dictionary and define them: antipathy, elucidate, imminent, banal, obdurate, peruse, bedlam, affluence, scurrilous, parody, sedulous, onerous, amoral, eschew, denouement
2. For EACH WORD, use Google to look up the word as used in a sentence in a blog, news article, or other article online. Copy down the sentence. Use quotation marks!
3. Use EACH WORD in an original sentence.
This assignment is worth 37 points and is due by the end of class on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. It is the first assignment of the new trimester. Work hard and give your best effort! The quiz on these words will be Friday, December 12, 2013.
Lesson Seven Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson 7 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Friday, January 10, 2014.
Study Lesson 7 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Friday, January 10, 2014.
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx)
- Assignment 2 - Study Guide/Puzzle
- Take your Lesson Seven quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take the quiz.
Lesson Eight Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson 8 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Monday, January 27, 2014. **I will be out of town on ERF.**
Study Lesson 8 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Monday, January 27, 2014. **I will be out of town on ERF.**
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx) Due Monday, January 13, 2014
- Take your Lesson Eight quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take the quiz.
Lesson Nine Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson 9 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Friday, February 7, 2014.
Study Lesson 9 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Friday, February 7, 2014.
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx) Due Thursday, January 30, 2014
No late work will be accepted. - Take your Lesson Nine quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take the quiz.
Lesson Ten Assignments and Activities
Study Lesson 10 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Thursday, February 20, 2014.
Study Lesson 10 words on Quizlet! The quiz is Thursday, February 20, 2014.
- Assignment 1 - Vocabulary List with Definitions and Sentence Completion (.docx) Due Monday, January 10, 2014
- Assignment 2 - Lesson Ten Study Guide - Words in Context
(Get 90% or 100% on the practice quiz, then come get the first part of this assignment from me)
- Take your Lesson Ten quiz! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take the quiz.
Second Trimester VOCABULARY Final Exam
The vocabulary part of your final exam will take place on Friday, February 28, 2014. (The other part, literature, will take place during exam week).
The vocabulary part of your final exam will take place on Friday, February 28, 2014. (The other part, literature, will take place during exam week).
- Click HERE to take your exam! - You will need an ACCESS CODE provided during class to take the exam.
- Download and complete the Study Guide. This is an assignment (not optional).